Due to gathering restrictions imposed due to the Covid-19 pandemic The 2020 S.R HOA AGM set for June 3rd 2020 has been postponed until the fall of 2020.
Alberta Corporate Registries has confirmed that Non-Profit Organizations, of which homeowners associations fall under, will be able to postpone AGMs until the ban on public gatherings has been lifted.
The package will be sent to residents 21 days prior to meeting to ensure ample notice is given.
We will continue to monitor government guidelines closely and communicate with the Residnet Directors for potential dates and restrictions that may need to be applied for resident safety during the meeting.
2019 S.R. Homeowners Association Financial Statements
The 2019 S.R. Homeowners Association Audited Financial Statements are ready and available to view here.
If you would like more information please don’t hesitate in reaching out to tcosgrave@melcor.ca